10th Class Past Papers Lahore Board 2023, Physics Subjective Group 2

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Physics 10th Class Past Papers Lahore 2023

10th Class past papers lahore board 2023 physics group 2 subjective

Physics 10th Class Lahore Board 2023 Group 2

  1. Write short answers to any Five (5) Questions
    • Write the two important features of simple harmonic motion.
    • What is meant by damped oscillations?
    • What is restoring force? Give an example.
    • Show the types of reflection with diagram.
    • Define Snell’s law. Write its formula.
    • What is meant by digitization?
    • Write the symbol and truth table for NOT gate.
    • Explain the deflection of electrons by electric field.
  2. write short answers to any five (5) questions.
    • Define quality of sound.
    • Calculate the sound intensity level of rustling of leaves.
    • Define electric field intensity.
    • In what direction will a positively charged particle move in an electric field?
    • Draw the electric field lines for two oppositely and equal point charges.
    • Write name of the components of computer based information system.
    • Why optical fibre is more useful tool for the communication process?
    • What is the difference between compact disk and floppy disk?
  3. write short answers to any FIVE (5) questions.
    • Define natural radioactivity.
    • Write working principle of electric motor.
    • What is difference between ohmic and non-ohmic materials?
    • State Joule’s law. Write its equation.
    • What is cosmic radiation? Give example.
    • Can a transformer operate on D.C?
    • What is Lenz’s law?
    • Write two isotopes of hydrogen


Note: Attempt any TWO (2) Questions.

  1. (a) Explain the two types of mechanical waves with diagram.
    • 5(b) An object 10cm in from of convex mirror forms an image 5cm behind the mirror. What is the focal length of the mirror.
  2. (a) What is flow of information? Explain it with diagram.
    • 6(b).The force of repulsion between two identical positive charges is 0.8N, when the charges are 0.1m apart. Find the value of each charge.
  3. (a) Define an electromagnet. Make the relay switch circuit diagram and discuss the electromagnet role in this case.
    • 7(b). Cobalt-60 is a radioactive element with half life of 5.25. what fraction of the original sample will be left after 26 years?

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