10th Class Past Papers Lahore Board 2023, Physics MCQs Group 1

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Physics MCQs, 10th Class Past Papers Lahore Board 2023

10th class past papers lahore board 2023 mcq physics group 1

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Physcis MCQs with Answers BISE Lahore 2023

  1. When water waves enters the region of shallow water their wave length:
    • (a). Remain same
    • (b). Become zero
    • (c). Increases
    • (d).  Decreases
      • Answer: (D)
  2. Capacitance is defined as:
    • (a). VC
    • (b). QC
    • (c).  Q/V
    • (d) V/Q
      • Answer: (c)
  3. Power of hair dryer is
    • (a). 1500 watt
    • (b). 1200 watt
    • (c). 800 watt
    • (d). 1000 watt
      • Answer: (D)
  4. The half life of a certain isotope is one day. What is the quantity of the isotope after two days:
    • (a). One half
    • (b). One-quarter
    • (c). One-eight
    • (d). One-sixteenth
      • Answer: (B)
  5. Half life of Cobalt 60 27 CO is:
    • (a). 2.85 years
    • (b). 12.3 years
    • (c). 30 years
    • (d). 40 years
      • Answer: (C)
  6. The brain of any computer system is:
    • (a). Monitor
    • (b). Memory
    • (c). CPU
    • (d). Control Unit
      • Answer: (C)
  7. Intensity of sound of lawn power:
    • (a). 101Wm-2
    • (b). 10-2Wm-2
    •   (c). 10-5Wm-2
    • (d). 10-8Wm-2
      • Answer: (B)
  8. The particles emitted from a hot cathode surface are called:
    • (a). Positive ions
    • (b). Negative Ions
    • (c). protons
    • (d). Electrons
      • Answer: (D)
  9. The index of refraction depends on:
    • (a). The object distance
    • (b). The image distance
    • (c). The focal length
    • (d). The speed of light
      • Answer: (D)
  10. If the current in a wire which is placed perpendicular to a magnetic field increases. The force on the wire:
    • (a). Increases
    • (b). Decreases
    • (c). Remains the same
    • (d). Will be zero
      • Answer: (A)
  11. What is the power rating of a lamp connected to a 12v source when it carries 2.5A current:
    • (a). 60 W
    • (b). 30 W
    • (c). 14.5 W
    • (d). 4.8 W
      • Answer:(B)
  12. How does sound travel from its source to your ear:
    • (a). By change in air pressure
    • (b). By vibration in wire or string
    • (c). By electromagnetic waves
    • (d). By infrared waves
      • Answer:(B)

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